Even more maelficent references These are all from my insomniac moments so were all over my bookmarks in my netbook. http://www.bvifinland.fi/uploads/text/MALEFICENT_PRESSKIT.pdf Presskit. Pretty darn amazing. http://www.gnomonschool.com/?p=3213 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152284393301288.1073741828.30259571287&type=1 Making of Maleficent presentation. Someone did take notes from this which is how I found it. http://stuartngbooks.blogspot.co.nz/2014/06/making-of-maleficent-event-held-at.html http://stuartngbooks.blogspot.co.nz/2014/06/making-of-maleficent-talk-with-robert.html http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Maleficent/Gallery Updated really quickly though there is not…
Tag: maleficent references
Maleficent screen caps “Evil Fairy”
Maleficent screen caps “Evil Fairy” Sigh, the gown is closed up the front, but the stress folds do look like there is a facing on each side of the seam. Nice view of the very molded and defined shape at the back of the headpiece. Very twilek in shape of the back of the head, curves…
And more!
And more! June 13, 2014 michaela de bruce http://stylefrizz.com/201406/maleficent-magic-visual-concept-costumes-angelina-jolie-elle-fanning/ Ah yes, The blue dress for Aurora is straight from Waterhouse’s Ophelia 😉 Check out the sketch! http://moviepilot.com/posts/2014/06/02/designing-maleficent-s-look-1465467?lt_source=external,manual#!YjlWe And more wing references, lots of over lap of these sources. http://www.thenational.ae/arts-culture/film/in-pictures-angelina-jolies-maleficent-costume-display#image-2 So it looks like there is a costume display in three countries right now London…
Many new links to exhibition/behind the scenes
Many new links to exhibition/behind the scenes Lots and lots of info suddenly coming out, how wonderful! And I am not sure if the wings are made for the exhibition but I shall work out how they were made (one set was for young Maleficent) as they had to have worked out how to fake…
Maleficent has a huge hoop. Bugger.
Maleficent has a huge hoop. Bugger. May 17, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment I had suspected but a few images put together really do reveal this quite clearly. If you watch the Awkward Situation clip you can see how the train skims the ground without folding or dragging. If you watch the edge…
MALEFICENT at The El Capitan Theatre
May 12, 2014 by michaela de bruce MALEFICENT at The El Capitan Theatre MALEFICENT explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain from the classic SLEEPING BEAUTY. *arm flail* Someone please go. The gown will be on display! Though on the other hand I will be aiming to wear mine at about the same…
Maleficent, new parks costume, maybe….?
Maleficent, new parks costume, maybe….? May 12, 2014 by michaela de bruce Well it was made for the Social Media Moms’ event so it may or may not be permanent. The gown in action sheds a lot of light on the train of the original. It fits to the back after all unlike…