I’m still working through my files, so here is another of my favourite Mantua. A deep blue silk covered in silver embroidery. Right now I don’t have access to the printed materials so I’m mostly inspired by the over all effect, and as my lace has a very uneven but scalloped hem I’m using this…
Category: garment construction
easy mantua cutting
(updated on my research site: https://www.thefrockchick.com/the-baroque-frock/easy-mantua-cutting/ ) I did manage to cut my fabric panels for my mantua, it really is pretty darm easy as it is all on the grain rectangles. It is pretty much exactly what I expect from a pre-1920s measure, cut, fit process. It looks a bit different but ultimately it’s…
manteau-or not (inc patterns)
(Update June 2024: I have written and visual evidence that neccesitates reworking all these images and text. The update will be on my research site soon.) The mantua as often described is a garment with a very unique construction. It puts all the side skirt shaping on a single wedge of fabric, made of several…
sunburst update
So I have been as obsessed by the sunburst gown longer than the electric light gown but hey are in fact really interlinked! After a little clarification that yes there were two Caroline Schermerhorn Astors. One Mrs one Miss and it is Miss Caroline Astor who wore the sunburst probably post marriage to Mr Orme…
magaret audley in high resolution
While a lovely friend was working out her costume inspiration, I went looking for decent resolution of images and woah! This did not come up in my google search, and it should, but rather another portrait with a link to the other works by the artist. https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/asset/margaret-duchess-of-norfolk/bAHhU8C_AFAgZw Maraget Audley, Hans Eworth I think most historic…
rock the frock-Alexandra Fedorovna COurt gown
While looking for WIP photos I’m also finding inspiration photos and now I am really inspired by a few pearled garments. Finding the original source of this is proving very difficult (the photo owner is in there but where she posted it is not) but there is a great interactive exhibit! Huge photos definitely worth…
Extant Gowns I adore
Mantua, V&A Museum, London Place of origin: Spitalfields (textile, weaving) England (mantua, sewing) Date: ca. 1720 (weaving) 1720-1730 (sewing) Artist/Maker: Unknown Materials and Techniques: Silk, silk thread, silver-gilt thread; hand-woven brocading, hand-sewn. Museum number: T.88 to C-1978 Gallery location: In Storage Interactive full views I am not sure if the petticoat and front are original, if they are it’s…
finally printing Mcdowell!
I have foam core board to make a test run of the McDowll cutting system 🙂 So I may be able to get a third tool printed off tonight too 🙂 Oky, since posting that I actually have. My firt prints were twice the size, then 1/4.. now I think I have it. It looks…
Tool ready to print!
Actual cost to print.. we won’t think about it! But I will have to make these from card first!
Making drafting tools!
I decided that I have wanted an authentic pattern drafting machine but I’ll never be able to afford one, so I’ve got a nice clear copy of a few originals and now with the power of image editing software it’s time to make some. Step one, figure out where to scale. Done and done 🙂…