MALEFICENT by michaela de bruce, September 23, 2014 Bluray is out here on Oct 1. Sigh. So my bodysuit and sculpts are on hold until then. I think I do have the seams worked out for the bodysuit and the base shapes of the hip and spine pieces, just not the textures or details. The…
Tag: maleficent christening gown
SIMPLER MALEFICENT PATTERN OPTIONS by michaela de bruce, September 8, 2014 I’ve had a few questions about patterns so I thought I’d do a quickie update 🙂 Dress exhibit notes: The train has been totally removed and we cannot see the back, but this shows some great details that may help with decisions on what…
ooooh, feather production soon!
ooooh, feather production soon! September 3, 014, admin So far I have just tested unaltered glue, unaltered blade, and half altered spine. So right now it’s a feather if you squint at it and look sideways. Once I start on bulk blade processing and finding some sort of press (okay all my art books wrapped in…
a few maleficent photos
Photo by Tania, shared by Freddy Corrotea
by michaela de bruce, May 26, 2014 Photo by Tania, shared by Freddy Corrotea 6 COMMENTS KAREN REPLY May 26, 2014 You ROCK! As always. ADMIN REPLY June 26, 2014 Thank you 🙂 KRISTIN REPLY June 4, 2014 This is hands down the best maleficent costume I’ve seen! Wonderful job. I want one 🙂…
I may have overestimated..
I may have overestimated.. May 20, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment The train may be about a foot too long. But I’m not sure how to take that in without seriously affecting the rest of the gown.. though…. possibly by unpicking the seams I will be able to angle in and stretch the…
Maleficent fibreglassing
Maleficent fibreglassing May 20, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment Sooo, the duo tone blue green doesn’t show up in the photo but it does in reality and I’ll just mix some and coat it tomorrow. So I put the horns and head in the sink and used hot water to soften them enough…
Maleficent pleather wrangling
Maleficent pleather wrangling May 20, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment So it’s a total pain to try and sew as it sticks to everything. To tidy the front edges I needed to top stitch a narrow facing. And I stumbled across this nifty little method to avoid puckering! A button hole foot! Yep,…
I busted my horns
I busted my horns May 18, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment On the plus side I rescued my mold 🙂 On the down side I am running out of resin and ability to use it :/ And I probably should have grabbed a zip today when I had the chance.. so today will be…
Maleficent has a huge hoop. Bugger.
Maleficent has a huge hoop. Bugger. May 17, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment I had suspected but a few images put together really do reveal this quite clearly. If you watch the Awkward Situation clip you can see how the train skims the ground without folding or dragging. If you watch the edge…