I was not sure that I would actually restart my blog, however with fixing my phone so it can take photos, and all that has happened in the last month I think it is now time 🙂 I will stick to health and costume updates alone. This shows the newly secured vinyl floor in place…
Tag: maleficent gown
Maleficent screen caps “Evil Fairy”
Maleficent screen caps “Evil Fairy”  Sigh, the gown is closed up the front, but the stress folds do look like there is a facing on each side of the seam. Nice view of the very molded and defined shape at the back of the headpiece. Very twilek in shape of the back of the head, curves…
I may have overestimated..
I may have overestimated.. May 20, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment The train may be about a foot too long. But I’m not sure how to take that in without seriously affecting the rest of the gown.. though…. possibly by unpicking the seams I will be able to angle in and stretch the…
Maleficent has a huge hoop. Bugger.
Maleficent has a huge hoop. Bugger. May 17, 2014 michaela de bruce Leave a comment I had suspected but a few images put together really do reveal this quite clearly. If you watch the Awkward Situation clip you can see how the train skims the ground without folding or dragging. If you watch the edge…
Maleficent, new parks costume, maybe….?
Maleficent, new parks costume, maybe….? May 12, 2014 by michaela de bruce Well it was made for the Social Media Moms’ event so it may or may not be permanent. The gown in action sheds a lot of light on the train of the original. It fits to the back after all unlike…