LOVE THESE SO MUCH! by admin, January 25, 2015 We have very directional low light but here, wig sewn around the horns 🙂 they really do stay on just with the wig combs 🙂
Tag: maleficent cosplay
maleficent and vastra
MALEFICENT AND VASTRA by admin, January 25, 2015 Sculpt and mold 🙂
maleficent wig hacking
MALEFICENT WIG HACKING by admin, January 24, 2015 So this happened…. I still need to sew the wefts together at the back. But I also have to file down the sides of the horn base- they push my ears out. Way too hot to wear these but hey. Good practice. Might glue the horns in…
maleficent ear :)
MALEFICENT EAR 🙂 by admin, January 22, 2015 Should come in handy for a few projects 🙂
EARS MOSTLY WORKED 🙂 by admin, January 20, 2015 I just have always had issues, so I may cast the next set as hollow pieces
MALEFICENT FUR COLLAR by michaela de bruce, November 2, 2014 Â This was as it was curing. I used resolene to glue and hold the fur in to the specific swirls. I do need to get some photos of this as worn.
Heels October 14, 2014 admin Yep, coveralls bunched up to shoe em, two pairs for footwear, a degree of shoe assemblage understanding and resin. I’ve since given them a colour wash. The heels have two screws each and lots of shoe goo.
Fuzzy collar
Fuzzy collar October 13, 2014 admin Fur bolero cut
More helmet progress
More helmet progress October 13, 2014 admin The textured centre and main strapping resolened in place.
HEELS by michaela de bruce, October 10, 2014 Very lucky the heels were cast in a bone coloured plastic: So my fibreglassing is fairly straight forward. The shoe base was glad wrapped and taped, the glass can be peeled off tomorrow to shape. 2 COMMENTS MEILIN REPLAY October 10, 2014 My goodness, you do go…