gaming limitations

I have tenosynovitis right across both hands, a result of Rheumatoid Disease. My ulnar has shifted to sit on top of my carpal bones as well. This is obviously fairly catastrophic over time but with splinting and therapy I should be able to get more use before limiting surgery. I need to take care of my…

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More Draenei sculpting

Left hand side rescaled and tidied, the right about to begin! The right started, I wound up adding a little to the inside of the horn edge and then continued shaving off the top. I had to leave the sculpt here, it will cool further overnight so I can shave and carve the rhs to…

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Draenei progress

I had to reshape the horns, They were far too out of shape to work. I also know the weather is cool enough to be able to have clay self support somewhat more easily than in summer so decided to risk it! What is this? Why a pair of clay armatures! Basically I wanted some…

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