the steroid shot has worked

While I wouldn’t say it’s a cure it has helped decrease local swelling to the point I can genuinely test what is going on. Go down two more ribs and that’s where mine is. I finally was able to do a very gentle test of the hook manoevre and I did at least find…

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I have one of the only, if not the only plugin capable of reblogging instagram posts. But It doesn’t actually automatically do so and I have to set it to pending/draft then edit to “published” because otherwise it just shows the code- my guess is the post publishes faster than WP can add the media…

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So tired again

I try to not be around people (online or off) when I am this tired, and now I have a lovely reminder why- I simply can’t communicate properly. And on the other hand when I am this tired my eyes tend to go dead and I look furious. Actually I look in pain but it…

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final round of tidying

(it is a happy post, honest!) Managed to go through all my paperwork. Found all the shows I had been in. All the travel documents. What the heck-most was from before I was 25. I was working full time, doing theatre, training at the gym (a spot of stunt training too), doing charity, and travelling….

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I struggle to explain how I can tell I have fatigue versus being tired. It does physically feel like pressure. But I think that veers a bit close to what is said is experienced in high anxiety. It’s not the same. This is more like standing chest high in water and trying to breathe. It’s not…

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Having constant fatigue is like driving without a fuel gauge. You can often make calculations to make sure you don’t get into trouble. But in order to do that you need to make calculations constantly- fuel in fuel out is not always a simple measure of how far you go but also about conditions and…

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cleves progress

Today the carpal tunnel injections have proven their worth 🙂 If I can do this one or two more times before I have to have surgery I’ll be happy. Sounds like I need my ulna’s chopped off sooner, but, maybe? Also I may have gone through 1/4 of my Hot Cinnamon Sunset tea. Now if…

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