Draenei horns ready to mold

So I thought I’d share how I matched one side to the other 🙂 After tidying up the proportions I started to transfer the lines by using a divider (scribe compass.) I did this along the top section on the inside as well as the outside. After that I used the needle point picker from…

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Multiple horn making

Currently working in three fandoms. While each set of horns is being made in clay I am using slightly different techniques to support them. I’m also hoping to find some way to scan these, though scanning is very expensive as there are very few people with them as opposed to printers! The weather has continued to…

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More Draenei sculpting

Left hand side rescaled and tidied, the right about to begin! The right started, I wound up adding a little to the inside of the horn edge and then continued shaving off the top. I had to leave the sculpt here, it will cool further overnight so I can shave and carve the rhs to…

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Draenei started

Leg armour started. I fell in love with the Sister Benedron figure when she was first released but I could not afford her at the time and now I really cannot afford her! Never mind, I can make my own costume 🙂 I did not want to get in to the hype of the movie,…

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