I may have to face the fact that my infusions are wearing out and I need to get ahead of the pain rather than treat it as it happens. I can hardly walk at the moment due to weirdness. I think it’s a mix of nerve pinching and muscle wasting after that nasty nasty bug….
Tag: rheumatoid
gaming limitations
I have tenosynovitis right across both hands, a result of Rheumatoid Disease. My ulnar has shifted to sit on top of my carpal bones as well. This is obviously fairly catastrophic over time but with splinting and therapy I should be able to get more use before limiting surgery. I need to take care of my…
that latest therapy
The media hypes up medical advances as much as anything, in fact often even more. And those of us with chronic illness are often caught between the hype and people who care about us as well as people wanting to be the first to share. It is exhausting. Because I am indeed always searching for information…
Daily things I do for living with RA
I am pretty open about what conventional and alternative therapies I use and how they impact my life- sorry in repairing my blog this year I have also lost a number of tags so will go back and tag all my health posts in the near future. But I do also make daily care decisions…
SO, HOW IS THIS FOR A SIGN? by michaela de bruce, August 26, 2014 The very first lab we did for immunology? A test for Rheumatoid arthritis and that test is an ELISA! I was not kidding that RA was something I studied at Uni only to get it years later! It is super unlikely…