Sigh, actually this one is true, for a given value of true.: A few sell the stuff doesn’t make it a delicacy here by any means. abimused: andariel-axe: lslines: 23deadbatteries: perplexingarticulator: There are so many things I could say about this.  So, so many.  More than anything, it horrifies me as a student of journalism…

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Day 16-30

(Have collated days 1-15 in one post, once these are done will do the same for the rest) 30 Day Cosplay Challenge! Day 16 Not locally because I’m the smelly judge 😉 No really. But I am part of one or two groups that not everyone can say they have been invited to be a…

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Day 1-15

30 Day Cosplay Challenge! 1. Your first cosplay. Christine Daae. Funnily enough. Not a direct copy, an interpretation for a Song in Costume class for the North Shore Performing Arts Competition in 1994. Can’t find my photo of it online. Ah well. I still have it. To remind myself of how far I have come…

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sunburst and mina

November 17th, 2010, 12:34 pm I am glad I made the decision to redo the skirt front for the Sunburst dress 🙂 I now have the design transfered to paper so I can neaten it and transfer it properly. I can now machine sew the rays and hand sew the clouds from the front. The…

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sunburst taking in

November 15th, 2010, 08:03 pm I did start to adjust the Sunburst skirt. But I am not happy at how the pencil is showing through. So I have enough left over to recut the skirt front panels and I can use bits of the current skirt fronts for the bodice. I’m not going to use…

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sunburst adjustments

November 14th, 2010, 11:05 pm So I did manage to bust out the Sunburst skirt and sew it up enough to start sewing over the pattern. But there are two thick blue pencil marking the width of one of the skirts which is narroer than what I went with. That said I can most easily…

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sunburst tracing

June 13th, 2009, 05:19 pm Well I spent the afternoon drawing on fabric but I do finally have my beading layout transfered to the back of the fabric 🙂 The dark blue vertical line is where the original seam was. I shifted it out a little as it just balanced a little better that way…

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sunburst scaling

June 12th, 2009, 11:38 pm Fantastic  Thanks to an online tutorial I now have a grid for my skirt pattern  Thanks to myself it was tweaked to be a useful grid pattern for scaling  Thanks also to myself I have a scanned scaled image of my skirt pattern and can now apply a grid to the back of the…

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