ahsoka progress

That is leather wetforming on two sets of forms. So lucky to have been given one and the other was a very reasonable auction!   Today I have put some chrome tanned leather in water to soften so I can form those. There will be a layer of cloth between to keep them stabilised.

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Scaling funtimes

I’ve taken the concept art of Ahsoka and scaled her to my height- so 168cm from heel to top of head- so I cropped the montral off and the heels of the boots. And I have checked head height is accurate, height from waist to should is right.. Her “big” lightsaber hilt winds up 34cm long!…

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The next few months have many opportunities! As always there are the Special Children’s Christmas parties, then there is a couple of Steampunk shoots, also the Bal d’Argent, and the big Santa Parade (yep, you’ll see me there XD) and also there are some opportunities for next year that I’m just insanely excited for 🙂 Also…

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#Ahsokatano progress

This works! I love me some smart bb and wp! #ahsokalives first texture pass. I need to let it all cool so texture can be carved in. Atm it’s all smooshing. Overnight will do it by pinkdiamond, on Flickr Yes! #maleficent horn texture and #ahsokalives #togruta skin marking success! Now to do this over the…

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I did decide my hoops were going to destroy my peace of mind yesterday so instead I trimmed some wig heads (the neck to fit inside my mannequins and the foreheads to actually mimic my face shape- will turn them all in to custom wig heads along with a tutorial.) I also wound up sculpting….

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