I don’t want to have to keep changing my sharing settings so rather than add posts here are all my IG updates in one place 🙂  Draping work. Each pleat/gather has been counted and carefully stitched to stay in place. Even the direction of the knit was carefully full aligned (the hood especially needs…
Tag: padmeamidala
instagram update
Working with clay today- to save power all at once. #padmeamidala #maleficent #leiaorgana redo 🙂 but now clay under nails so need to scrub them!
Padme Progress
Taken from instagram posts 🙂 The bodice- so many gathers! It’s a mix of hand sewing and machining. Just need to add in the crossover support and then I can actually sew the hood and cape and sleeves in. Skirt progress. Two hours for the gathers and beads, and yet I am keen to keep…
instagram update
This didn’t take too long but I forgot I’m still recovering so I had to leave it. #padmeamidala tatooine gown is alot of hand work!