I don’t want to have to keep changing my sharing settings so rather than add posts here are all my IG updates in one place 🙂  Draping work. Each pleat/gather has been counted and carefully stitched to stay in place. Even the direction of the knit was carefully full aligned (the hood especially needs…
Tag: padme
padme cutting
Finally got the last pieces of the bodice cut 🙂 This was exciting because yes it’s two layers even for these pieces- it looks really weird as a single layer. But I knew there was some clever use of stretch and basically was able to show it 🙂 This is a piece from the left…
found them
Supplements from Der Bazar! I have a stack to go through and make a good proper post about, possibly a plage. I have terrible tagging habits so a page may be best. Also I’m going to switch up blog settings to share “medium” sized thumbnails as the thumbnails seem to be smaller. I love this…
LOOK WHAT WAS ON THE $3 RACK! by admin, December 23, 2014 If you are not sure that is crepe jersey in pale blue. I only have 7.3m but it is 150cm wide so should be doable Share this: