Elissa net skirt!

I took the original apart and made an extra layer so there are four all up with ruffles on each. Put face to face so that all the ruffles are inside rather than directly under the taffeta skirt or against my legs.   And it stands up by itself..     The third layer is…

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Hannibal bodice and wig

Test fit, the zip is pretty rigid but I do need boning. I may top stitch the seam allowances first then put in boning cases and trim. I will indeed do lacing up the back as I am loving this front zip business! I had an invisible zip in my first version but this chunky…

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More Elissa hemming

So ribbon on ribbon over applique under ribbon on ribbon. Next and maybe possibly last thing to do on them is to add more loopy braid which is all over the other elements. I would be tmpted to sew rows and rows of ribbon over the shot green taffeta to be closer to the Aussie…

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Elissa hem fringe:

Had to be hand sewn, both the shape (open lattice) and the shine (gold thread shreds as it is) made machining just all terribad. Now I need to take a big break, like for a day, and then the gems go on and I start pinning it to the top of the pleated hem and…

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Elissa chest piece, zomg!

Actually finished, those are sewn down. I don’t know why the photo rotated 180 but hey 😉 I started this particular piece in 2006 and the original costume in 99 so this is most definitely a personal labour of love. And I have a few beads from the first costume too 🙂

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