Well I have divided the hilts into reasonable lengths and created supports so now… now I hope I can just make a curve and use the plugin. Hopefully. I am exhausted.
Tag: 3d modelling
I’m trying to not cry
My Ahsoka hilts skew up the green axis when I used the plugin that bends shapes. It’s so subtle though that it’s very hard to see. And there seems to be a strange slight warp on the surfaces too. So I have had to go back to a much earlier saved file to see if…
Comments are back and I’m so close to printing
The site will default to your WP login but if you aren’t logged in you can use FB, or Twitter at the very least. Woo! After using the shape bender I used hidden geometry to work out why the end looked blunt and then added lines. And then used Solid Inspector2 to check for errors….
welp I was wrong!
So after finding the short cuts to delete selections and delete inverted selection I did isolate my horns in ReMake and I did then manage to get them into Sculptris and have been smoothing and pinching and generally finding it really pleasant. Intuitive I think. Just have to remember that there is a limited number…
today i try to relearn blender
I will still work in sketchup to make my Ahsoka hilts but I need something a bit more powerful than Sculptris or Remake to do what I need to do for all the horns.. I can’t easily find an ability to copy and take out selections in either so what the heck. Oh sculptris looks…
scaling part 2
Whoops, I miscalculated yesterday. The figure is actually 135mm from heel to crown. And the saber definitely is shorter than inside elbow to knuckles. So x/168=23/135 x= 28.622 So that actually works. I know this is shorter than in the show, and is shorter if I go by the same calculation of the concept…