So perfect!,Matte-Vinyl,Fabric#.U829YPmSyao
It really is stretchy and it really does have that texture 🙂 Very good vertical stretch in fact more stretchy than horizontal 🙂
I’ve been a fan of their product for years, and have used it for all my Shiny Butt catsuits:
Catwoman, Witchblade, Mara Jade, Blood Dragon, Shae Vizla., Regina/Maleficent stunt costume.
So I wasn’t too concerned about the quality but I was unsure how well the texture would show. And it really is as advertised 🙂
So leather onsie will get done in the most perfect fabric available 🙂 Also the emails you get are lovely 🙂 I do now wish I’d grabbed the spiral steels at the same time but never mind 🙂
As a comparison:
So not the exact match but close and really good. I think there is some hue and contrast shift here, and the colour of the stretch vinyl is a warm black. Not charcoal, not raven black but still on the warm muted side of the richest deepest black.
Looks great though! Just wish shipping from MJtrends wasnt so expensive to the UK.