update to the meisterschnittbuch


Schnittbucher Platz’s update today!

Marion McNealy and Katherine Barich are working on a massive project to get the book* translated! Not just translated but with pattern layouts, transcriptions, and more as per their Drei Schnittbucher book!

I was pretty darn excited because even though myself and others love primary material, the joy of Drei Schnittbucher is that you can use the primary sources as well as know the transcription, translation and interpretations all come from expert analysis.

So, very excited 🙂

*Sammlung: Kunstbibliothek Berlin
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:601-3222
Titel: Meisterstückbuch der Schneiderzunft zu Schwabach gefertigt von Joh. Georg Schuster
Publikationsort: Berlin
Herausgeber: null
Ausgabebezeichnung: [Electronic ed.]
Größe der Vorlage: 2°
Persistente Url: http://www.digishelf.de/piresolver?id=77488794X

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