togruta vs togruta

These are two casts from the same mold. I love my Ashara but I basically made her from an imperfect cast. The mold had separated a bit making for blunt montral and the tops of the lekku was too thin so I cut them off. This leads to the montral sticking away from the face.

sm_dsc_0783 sm_dsc_0784

sm_dsc_0778 sm_dsc_0780

Just to show that Shara was an imperfect cast!

Again, my grumpy cast is doing double duty while my good cast has my horns 🙂

I am having a day of fatigue and turning it into a day of rest, and have been also having some antiinflammatories, which seem to be at least helping a bit so that’s great 🙂

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