Next few projects

My inspiration for a big posh frock hit. And it was a direct result of researching the Robe de Style. I am working on the Marie Antoinette gambling gown. Yes the silver lame and sliver beaded one. So that’s been making me happy. I even found a cached post of mine about this while looking…

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I think you would make an excellent Marie Antoinette! Sofia Coppola style, crapness of the movie aside the costumes were very very nice. Also maybe the posture collar outfit from The Cell!

There are many The Cell costumes I’d love to make. The molded leather armour is one, the white feathered another. Some of the MA costumes are close copies of extant items (I highly recommend the Kyoto Costume Institute/Taschen co publication of Fashion for anyone interested in costume from movies. Some of the photos are available…

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