productive but painful day

I’ve been trying to ease out of pain relief for my separated rib but I still need some help. But sleep is getting closer to normal again which is nice 🙂

I spent the day working on a few documents and also got a new keyboard! It’s like a weird combo of chiclet style but with a bit of depth. Anyway it’s quiet and I can see the buttons a bit more easily and the function buttons are huge!

I also spent last night organising all the antique cutting books in order and am super happy with my own theory of drafting and draping for all of the Victorian era.

And today picked up the boo on the Gilded Age in New York. So far mostly what I’ve read in snippets from other sources but it is a beautiful book. To be honest I’d love to see a book of this size and quality just for Worth in New York. It’s a big enough topic and I know I wouldn’t be the sole purchaser. I think some of the gowns that are too fragile for display really need to be recorded in detail but that would require specialist restoration.

But that would be my dream book. There are extant items I’d love to see more of but many of these don’t even have high quality images in books.


But that is another topic 🙂


Yesterday I lucked into 14m of about 115cm wide cotton (shot green and off white) for $3/m so that’s my lining sorted forever. And found some lengths of vintage fabrics at the Hospice Shop in New Lynn (they have a length of satin faced nylon knit, and some replite textured vinyl and some veloury surfaced interlock for cheap for patterning too.)

I grabbed the 4m of silk taffeta (actully a dupion but super non slubbed, shot wine and cream- sill use it to line my ropa) 1.8m of silk satin (it is silk but the particular weave is very old fashioned) and some wool-viscose crepe. The crepe is good for Missy but it may be slightly shy on length and it will need to be dyed.

So I also grabbed enough purple boucle wool for a Darkwater version of Missy’s coat and skirt 🙂

Oh! The silk satin might make my doppleganger doublet! Jerkin and doublet combo I mean. Hmmmm. And yes I have big ass glass pearls like that.

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