Talk is tomorrow

BY: Michaela de Bruce ON: 2024-10-13

I had a very deep rest today, but need more.

On the plus side I have 30m of cotton twill tape for my Marie Antoinette hoops, and enough white sports strapping tape to make the steels look really nice and glide smoothing in the channels.

I also grabbed some top stitching thread for my Effigy stays as I want the effect of handsewing. The best way to do this is with a very short machine stitch and very heavy thread.

No silver thread for my Princess of Cleves jubon but hey.

Also I need to print out my ILL article. I think it is in the same state as another article and I’ll need to transcribe by hand. But we can see.


Mina, Maleficent, Elsa, Marie Antoinette hoops, and Liara I think. Oh and Ashara ๐Ÿ™‚


And I have hair chalks. Will test drive them too.


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