Inspired! Part 1

Last weekend was a much needed push the boat out and get inspired come heck or high water. And it worked :)

I decided to attend the WoW awards night. It was interesting. For 8 years I’ve been head organiser of an event (smaller scale) and can now honestly say what we achieved in terms of flow of show, and clarity of rules, and fairness was really up there. I know I could go back and give that same level immediately and even in an 11th hour call.

I just need to now get that in words as part of my CV skill set :)

Anyway. So that was inspiring on one level. Ideas of what IĀ could do with a given timeframe and space is giving me big ideas.

The other aspect was to see what the art side of wearble art and craft was doing, and it’s interesting. I have a big belief that wearable art should mean that the art is transformed or enhanced by the body- either static or in motion. That the body also then changes what we thought of the original piece. So to that end the winner was an amazing perfect reflection of that.

And it makes me wonder what materials I work with that could also undergo transformation in the workshop and when worn.