So hey, You know how I said don’t let me make the Marie Antoinette gown….*
Yeah, so.. umm I have “claimed” Louisa Ulrika’s gown as seen in Blanche Payne’s History of Costume. There are at least three Big Ass Silver gowns in Sweden and I know of at least two in Russia so if anyone wants to do the gown specifically and is going to CoCo I’ll happily keep calling mine just the Big Ass Silver gown.
Mainly because this is a stash project. Huge pile of silly silver twill, not brocade sadly, which has been sitting waiting for a project!
Buuuut…. Any kiwis want to get in on the action? Register above and join in! I reckon if we had enough interest we could organise a Skype Time to party with the princesses overseas. I know it may mean being up at Awful O’Clock but that just means we need to arrange a meet up for those who can and stay up dressed up in the silly.