Make up part one

I think I have to accept I am perma banned from my own site and hosts so Tumblr gets the blog posts I’d make over there. Sigh.

I like to either work with street make up as a base and buff subtle/not so subtle colour in with brushes and velour pads. This works well when you have the colour in a compact where you can do touch ups but does last a good evening.

Or I go hard core with the paint because at at conventions I have to keep moving or I crash. There are bugger all photos of me at cons because I’m not in place for long enough 😉 But it means I am always on the job always looking for people to enthuse at. It’s just part of my job as Cosplay Coordinator for the shows in NZ (and Melbourne) and member of the Rebel Legion and 501st (and occasionally for the SCA.) I’m never flitting away to look for purchases, it’s to do the one on one thing. Not sure how many people actually realise how much is involved (though I may need to set an alarm to make sure I have a proper break).

So it is rare that I have a chance to reset or fix anything once the main doors open at a convention! That habit has spilled over to my funtimes visits too.

Nest post will be about an easy but effective method and then the one after that will be all about AA 🙂

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