-1520s Swiss, Anna Meyer

Status: wearable

Year finished: 2004

To Do: embroidery, maybe

Updates since last photo: n/a

Inspiration: portrait and sketch by Hans Holbein

My first, and last, entirely handsewn project.

I used the pattern from my kampfrau dress as a base and converted the shoulder straps to make the gown entirely off the shoulder. If I do ever add in embroidery I might have to reshape the sleeves to sit even further off.

I was not quite secure in my garment fit to go as far off the shoulder as I really could have.

I am not likely to be able to do too much embroidery but I did chart the neckline embroidery.

After a house fire this dress was heavily affected. There were both soot and singe marks that I needed to clean.

The hembd was simply a cotton voille and I used a raglan construction. I find hembder that come right up to my neck very uncomfortable so would redo that as a goller instead.