Oh dear. So I’ve spent years pecking at records trying to explain my understanding of what a Stickelchen is- mostly trying to break my theory, and I haven’t been able to do so. I’ve also just spent the week sorting thousands of documents and fragments of documents only to find a single screen capture that…
Category: Uncategorized
Will the Real Paper about the Real Stickelchen Please Finally Stand Up
Pretty sure that I’ve lost most of my intended audience with what began as a simple paper comparing written and visual evidence of just What The Frock in on Anne of Cleves’ head. But it really is both extremely simple and incredibly complex. I did work out what one major barrier is for those of…
First a detour- some of my work is being used in wikipedia and wikicommons entries. Only one so far hasn’t included me as the source. But it has put a bit of pressure on me to publish. I have better quality images, and I have new images. It’s slow going though. But I’ve finally got…
Falling in love with the North Rhine again
I’ve been radio silent for some time. I’m finally pulling through. And in the last few days I’ve really delved into my collection of portraits of women (and girls) of Cologne to add to my timeline of portraits. I’ve got so many new images, and really exciting ones, that confirm that my early use of…
Patterning updates
Not just of access to online resources but my own. I’m working on making them available on my website. However in this protracted process of trying to reconcile my digital archives of my life and research I’ve had multiple drives destroy my work. At this point I can’t tell which they are but I suspect…
Finally some success
I had at one point decided to take all my own references out of my year by year photo archives but I think I need to keep them in that one place. It’s a record of what I knew and when. I’ve done the same with my costume photos. And I’ve found a huge lot…
Cut my Cote review
Oh this desperately needs to be reprinted. I requested it as an interloan, and not every library has that function nor do all libraries do interloans outside of selected systems. I’ve known about it for some time, of course, but I never really needed it for my focus. But, yes, working my way through the…
Elsa Mantua project
Of course. I’ve had so much bad luck with all my projects for the last few years so naturally I’ve made a bit of a hash of my mantua. I cut my lace to fit a narrow petticoat and I’m not happy with it. In order to patch the lace back together I need to…
Mantua page updates
So far it’s essentially how I cut my Mantua, in two parts. The first is an easy draft using modern fabric widths. and the other is how I cut mine on the floor. I originally posted that over on this blog but now that I’m working on the rest of it now (including stays) I…
what to do?
I’m at the point with my research to feel confident to give myself a break but I’m so behind in getting my North Rhine gear finished including some alterations. I’m deciding which frock to give tube sleeves and which to leave open. I think I could convert my startling orange to a shorter kirtle and…