Under Pressure more relevant than ever, but I’m resolving some very stressful issues that have severely drained my physical and mental resources. Today however has been the first day in over a month where I’ve been able to get back into the books I haven’t managed to fully fold into my research for my paper revisions. But I am, and it’s not as overwhelming as I thought. I can skim technical information in several languages, but when I’m as tired as I have been it does all turn into garbled nonsense. To be honest English does as well. So I have to structure my day around the most pressing matters first.
I did manage to find my missing patterns- as in my own. I was about to post that here but everything went splat.
So here I am. Let’s see if I can put some of those images in here.

Is this a revolutionary pattern for the Mara Jade cowl? No. But the curved edge is for the back which is how you get the cowl to stay framed around your face while the curve allows the back to drape nicely and to reduce bulk at the front.

This needs a bit of an explanation. This is based on a book that describes the “French system” of pattern drafting though most books that refer to it still use a decidedly “American system.” I’ve got well over 300 pattern books from various online archives and most do not do anything this interesting to the classic double dart Victorian bodice. But it’s incredible. By rotating the section between the darts to the true bias you get an incredibly smooth fit. This was the base of one of my Mina bodices, which I set aside because I actually need to make it from a fabric with absolutely no give because the silk has no give even when on the bias.

For something completely different, I’m also going through my 3D files as the way I build my props is to make use of the technology. Yes, my Ahsoka hilts are sliced in so any sections so that print lines are much easier to remove. The pieces are hollow and interlock at each piece as I like to print in ABS. It just takes a bit of acetone to weld the layers as well as parts. It means you can also finish the pieces to be really glossy also through use of acetone.
But I need to write up instructions before putting them on thingiverse. I’ve got my Ventress hilts to add as well. Both sets are curved and flattened which is just another link between the two characters and their story arcs.

So, now that I’ve tired myself out again, I will close this window, and share in the usual places.