still inspired

I managed to go for a walk today- silly hips still catch but if I make sure to start walking slowly rather than straight to my habitual faster walk. It takes about 3 min to settle so that’s pretty good.

As part of my walk I got some expanding foam filler so that when I do reshape my Maleficent horns I can ignore the wall thickness and dremel into the fill. I am so excited to be able to focus on my own projects right now that yes this is happening! Wings, one of the two pleated gowns and horn reshaping.

The wings are huge. There are at least 28 large flight feather sections, and as you move up that doubles for the shorter denser feathers. I will probably use the promo images of the first film to decide on the exact number.

I planned to make wings for myself even before the first film, I know exactly how I want to make them to be safe and very light, it’s a matter of scale. If these were not over 2m tall it would be so much easier. But I think I have worked out safety (so no spring loaded wing opening in case that springs at the wrong time) and effect and to make sure making them can be at my pace. So it’s a case of building up materials (including incidentals like replacement cutting blades etc.) and drafting patterns in the meantime.