Well my Nordrhein documentation in general is taking a bit longer to ready for sharing which has meant it is taking a bit longer to get the Anna specific information up.
I am trying to cite all my images. I have been cropping images of non-allegorical women and girls to get a very clear undistracted view of dress of the region. Right now I have about 114 left of 326 plus a few to add in as lower quality but good overall impressions. And then I can add in the skant printed depictions of contemporary dress. I’m also finding the handful of images that did not make it through the upload process!
In doing this though I may have some evidence of different attributions. But again I need to hold off until I get these files properly cited so that there is the full context.
And I have found a few higher resolution images than i worked so very hard to create but hey.
So at least I’m past the halfway mark.