Cleves frocks? CLEVES FROCKS!

I have a Thing for pink! Last week I was able to pick up 7m of a lovely fuchsia pink wool, enough for two frocks.

Now I do indeed have a pink Cleves frock, and I am sure I want to make another (with black guarding, then maybe take the raspberry velveteen of this pale pink, move it to a yellow silk, then use another gold fabric to guard the pale pink.)

But I am not sure what to do with the rest! I could remake one of the other two frocks above, or I could make my favourite Cranach frock ever.

Judith with the head of Holofernses, by Lucas Cranach

I adore everything about this particular version. And it would be lovely to finally make it.


But this is the portrait that inspired my second pink frock and that turn down collar and short sleeves make for a really easy to wear in summer frock!

I could in theory make all of these.

The linen mix fabric I’m using to line it all has mercerised warp threads. So it’s very glossy.

I also happen to have enough to line two pink wool frocks and then enough left over to make a self lined frock.

Most of my linen does not mimic the cvolour or texture in imagery, but my very cheap mix does.

It then really is a case off how many short sleeved pink frocks is enough?

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