There are fitted/shaped bodices everywhere. I remember this from my original notes waaaaay back in the 90s. I collected interesting images versus typical fashion a lot of the time. Lots of Nasimova. And there was that amazing Dover book of fashion from the 1920s. I think I may have found many of the original items that were redrawn (in a beautiful style totally appropriate to the era which is why I didn't realise they were redrawings at the time.)
Anyway, there is yet another variation of the V neck dropped waist and flared skirt so I think I will whizz up that style in my velvet after all. For the photo safari (models and photographers togetehr to get a winning photo amongst vintage cars) it may be a bit more striking.
Have I mentioned I'll have magenta hair?
I'm going to have magenta coloured hair 🙂 Test drove finger waves today. My mum has to do it (she is a professional hairdresser, trained as an apprentice and journeywoman under th eold system 🙂 ) But it;s been a long time since she's needed to do finger waves so we are looking at making sure we practice and we make the style work with the way my hair works. My new curl is great but it means the waves have to be Just So or we wind up essentially straightening it 😉
So today I managed to get all the tape inside one corset, and I got my panniers cut and the tape sewn along the top edge. I managed to just piece enough!
And I have been watching Tweleve a lot, the whole Danny Pink arc is a bit comforting right now. It's fiction but it is a comfort.