Secret squirrel update

I washed and cleaned a few wigs and decided to stick with the red. It just really is striking and while is not a period ideal, I am going to have to make an impact with a style that is not really considered as sophisticated as later decades 🙂 Well it was really experimenting with all new shaping and it wasn't always successful, but wow when fit and style went together it is stunning.
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I tested how to do some loops, and then I remembered a really famous Theda Bara image and the whole top knot thing and wound up with something I think I will really love and be able to work with for my two dresses:
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I need to spray the heck out of this as well as get firmer pins for the middle support section, and this will then also help the wig not fill out too much at the bottom back of the head.

I also dyed my unmentionables, I love the colour! I'm a bright toned person so often "nude" is strikingly not nude, so this should work. I saved some dye in case it's not and I can also tint with a little beige if need be. The net is not recycled but the sateen is. It's my pillow set from a set of sheets I'll never be able to replace after the fire.

The colour is a near perfect match for a spool of (recycled- well vintage and passed on) cotton- Sylko D121 "pale pink". So I'll be seeing how much I can hand stitch of the panels that will be the base of the lace flounces for my Robe de Style.

Okay, so the undies I'm making are a set of hoops for the robe de style but also a long line corslette. I was a bit depressed after seeing the ads and fashion plates until I saw this fantastic piece:

And so I looked with new eyes at what I had skimmed over:

So that is the aim. I am lacing up both sides as I do fluctuate, and I am using net not lace, but that's because I'll be needing to create the illusion of a very deep V neck in both dresses.