Spanish gown update :)

I’m working on the research side of this very slowly. It’s going so slow because I decided I was not going to rely on other people’s work because hey there are some published works from this era that is so wrong yet never been questioned. And I figure I’d rather be questioned on why I interpretted something than why I relied on someone else’s interpretation :)

So far I’m finding myself straight up quoting Alcega with his- I started this as a little project then it got out of hand and people are making it difficult but I think the benefit to the wider community is worth the personal sacrifice- blurb. Because I really am relying on his format to sort my own thoughts out.

On the upside I’m not only working my way through published works but also through my stack of inventaries and my own patterns to work out what makes most sense to publish and how.

And the gown itself is a slow slog. I finally got the stays channels stitched and have sorted what parts I’m working on first, and I have the linings sorted for all the parts so far. I think I am going to undo some work and see if I can get the interlining a little better sorted. I am so worried about colour transfer… so tomorrow I dye my hair and eyebrows and teeshirts and also bleach some linen canvas :)