This was my Cersei wig…

But poot.


I was honestly resisting That Costume hard core but sigh. Also I wish my hairline was this low because it makes my nose and mouth look way more in proportion.
Wig however is way too big and also hey totally not made for pasty white chicks! I also look really pink. And it makes my eyes really light and my freckles stand out.
Oh and wow, my crimson hair under that lace front? It looks like a really nasty trauma.
Anyway, I need to clip the lace front but also pop som more strands in to make at least a slight widows peak because it’ll help hide my own.
Okay so this is too dark for her and too light for Cersei but I look way too chibi for the costume it really should be for. A hint:


Black sequins. Now just walk, and think…. Murder.

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