More fuds

Sort of Saag but not really.

left over onion jam (will write this up separately) approx 2T

large bag of baby spinach leaves (I think 300gms)

half a bag of broad beans (frozen is usually easiest) (about 500gms)

1T dukkah (not sure what flavour but I’d have prefered a sweeter one in this instance)

Dry fry all of the above while wilting the spinach and defrosting the beans.

500ml unsweetened yoghurt.

Stir through and let it break down.

Blend and return to heat.

1T peanut butter

Stir through

Season to taste- I needed a fair bit of salt as the dukkah was too far in the bitter taste so the peanut butter gave a little bit of sweetness and the salt balanced that. Then I added more yoghurt to get a bit more tang.


This is thick enough to eat alone and is very filling due to the broad beans. But for those of us needing a fair bit of protein it is also good with paneer maybe chickpeas. Or could be good with chicken or maybe pork depending on your salt/sweet balance. Not sure it’d work with fish or beef. I don’t eat them but can remember the flavour.

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